What The Great Putters Do 1

What The Great Putters Do

So many golfers hear that they should chase the ball to the hole with the putterhead to accelerate the club through impact and keep the putt on line. But that…

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Two Skills For Great Putting 2

Two Skills For Great Putting

Being a great putter doesn't mean you're rolling in bombs all day. Sure, that would be nice, but quality putting is about distance control from long range and precise aim…

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Start Every Putt On A Great Line 3

Start Every Putt On A Great Line

It can be awfully frustrating when you read a putt perfectly, give it a confident rap and then see it roll nowhere near the line you picked. This is a…

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The Smart Way To Survive U.S. Open-Style Greens 4

The Smart Way To Survive U.S. Open-Style Greens

When we're at the U.S. Open, dealing with the fastest greens of the year, you'll often hear the TV commentators say we need good feel for the speed if we're…

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